Mathias Corvinus Collegium Career orientation and guidance day
On the 18th of January we had the chance to participate in the programmes of Mathias Corvinus Collegium. A round table discussion and an afternoon lecture were parts of the career orientation and guidance day.
The distance learning programme of MCC provides educational and social space for the most talented secondary school students. They give guidance for secondary school graduation, entrance exams and for the future perspectives and careers of the students. Everyone in this community is enriched with valuable community, friends and with high level professional knowledge. They can take part in many trainings and lectures just like we did today. We heard lectures from well-known authorities like Dr Gyarmathy Éva psychologist, educational psychologist, Gundel Takács Gábor presenter, commentator, Dr Meskó Bertalan PhD medical future expert and Szalai Zoltán CEO of MCC. They were looking for answers that occur in secondary students who are on the verge of further studies: “where to go?”, “who should I listen to?”, “dare I dream?”. We didn’t get concrete answers but it wasn’t the goal. We “only” got guidance, which encourages us not to examine the pages of the study guide but look inside of our selves to know what would make us happy, what would make us feel balanced.
The notion said by Dr Gyarmathy Éva has worth: “There won’t be careers but vendible knowledge that can take us anywhere.” We got some good advice from Szalai Zoltán, CEO of MCC, it is inevitable to get in touch via e-mail, or if it is possible in person, with the best expert of the topic we are interested in and ask their help and guidance. Finding our own independent way is vital.
The ideas and thoughts we heard made us think, i.e. they fulfilled their desired target. Thank you very much for this opportunity for the Foundation. We recommend from our whole heart this programme for those who are facing with further study in the near future.
Kovács Viktória, Jászság group 2