The Nagybajom groups in the Zobor amusement park
Groups of Nagybajom Community House started the year with an exciting adventure outing. After a comfortable journey we arrived to the Zobori Adventure Park in Zalaszabar. The admission tickets involved the price most of the games and activities in the park. There were a petting zoo, a trampoline, a slide park, a go-kart, e-sports and many more options to have fun. Some of the youth enjoyed the kayak simulator the most but we heard lots of sliding stories. After the filling lunch we made two teams to trying out the artificial grass football field.The occupation was a great success. Our next stop was the Buffalo Reservation in Kápolnáspuszta. The groups had the opportunity to get acquainted with the horses, donkeys and goats kept there. To my mind, everyone had a great trip full of experiences, we are waiting for the next one. Márton Gelencsér NB3