XXVIII Youth Academy of Local History – Nyíregyháza
This year, from 5 to 9 August, we again had the opportunity to take part in the IHA, organised by the Association of Local History. Several of my group mates, Alexandra Zsagár and Zsombor Barkóczy, are returning campers to Nyíregyháza, the venue of this year’s academy, but our team was joined by Karl Sebestyén, a student of Valéria Koch High School. This year’s theme was the natural treasures of our region, which gave us the opportunity to introduce one of the most famous plants of the Mecsek, the bear’s onion or ramsons. The student reports gave us an insight into the natural treasures of many Hungarian settlements in Hungary and in the Carpathian Basin (e.g. the towns along the Tisza, Arad, Zenta, Slovakia, Partium, Hortobágy, Alföld and of course Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county). Our days in North-Eastern Hungary were enriched with a busy and colourful programme of activities, such as the wagon museum in Mátészalka, the museum village in Sóstó, several workshops and a delicious locally cooked goulash full of gastronomic specialities. We were lucky enough to admire the Váy Castle (where the Prince discussed the Peace of Satu Mare at the end of the Rákóczi War of Independence) and to experience the endless peace and panorama of the Kölcsey Kende Mansion (where the poet wrote). On the last evening, we built a bonfire, symbolizing that the grey days will pass, but patriotism and togetherness will always burn in our hearts. We said goodbye to each other with patriotic songs in the hope that we will have the pleasure of seeing each other again in the future. The pleasant, relaxed atmosphere provided by the helpers added greatly to the happy memories I left the camp with, and if I didn’t make lifelong friends with my fellow campers, I certainly made lifelong friends with the love of my country. I would like to thank Béla Debreczeni-Droppán, President of the Association of Local History, Dr. János Bene, President of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Association for Local History and my mentor András Gál for allowing me to be part of this rich week.
András Dömölki, member of group P2