The Last Days
Almost the end of the second year at Csányi Foundation.
The time has come in the life of group 3 of Szeged when the children can put a tick after their second year at the Csányi Foundation. At the last developmental weekend the children and their teachers said good-bye for a short time and the kids also were enthusiastic helping hands for a drama pedagogy diploma work. In the sudden summer heat the refreshing ice-cream filled lunch helped us to take a deep breath before the last IT lesson and before a good movie that we watched in the Cinema City of Szeged. Tomorrowland was spectacular, interesting and illuminating. Obviously, this did not mean the end of the Csányi summer programmes. Next week the children have to write some tests and a little help will be given for those who need it for better year end marks before the summer holiday bursts out starting with the Health Camp in Szeged.
Group 3 of Szeged