Swimming Camp
Today the Kaposvár Group 4th’s swimming camp started, which was hosted by Kaposvár Virágfürdő. Unfortunately, the weather was not gracious to us in the morning, so we started the day in the indoor pool where everyone was given their swimming goggles, which everyone was very happy about. Time went by quickly and they had fun here, they tried all the pools and also the slide inside.
After lunch, they relaxed a bit, where they played cards in the shade and football. Then, with the help of Peti, there was a little gymnastics, then they practiced arm and leg pacing, and then everyone could practice his knowledge.
They played various games with Zsani in the Community House, and the musical chair occupation game was a big favorite. We said goodbye to each other and look forward to the next few days!
2nd day:
Today started like the first one, we gathered in the Community House and walked together to the Virágfürdő. Today Peti and Zsani were with us. We practiced what we learned yesterday, and we were very pleased that Robi has mastered the right breathing and dolphin swimming skills today!
We were in the pool almost all day, just getting out of the water for lunch. Then we rested in the shade again, then continued swimming, tried jumping off the cliff and of course went sliding today.
We had an ice cream before leaving home. It was a great day!
Anna Ács-Kocsis, Levente Sipos, Kaposvár Group 4th
3rd day:
Today, Enikő joined us, we met at the Flower Bath. We both had a swimming past, so it was more exciting to teach our kids to swim together. We rehearsed what we learned yesterday, taught us how to move properly. After the repetition, there was a little competition that the kids really enjoyed. Then we played together, talked and swam until lunch. Péter Trixler Szabó, volunteer
Today the children spent the afternoon at the Recruitment Office. They had an insight into the tasks and functions of the Hungarian Defense Forces. Although I’m not in a recruiting position, I was happy to introduce them to our regular weapons. My colleagues gave all the useful information about guns and they could take part in an airsoft shooting. I was happy to be able to tell them what I was doing and volunteering to help the Foundation. Enikő Andalics, volunteer
4th day:
The last day of the swim camp has come. The morning was spent repeating and practicing, and everyone enjoyed the good time and we swam a lot, played ball, and talked. After lunch we rested a bit, then headed for the slides, last time we took advantage of this opportunity. At 3 o’clock we went back to the Community House, where Szancsi, our little-mentor was waiting for us today, we told her our camp experiences. Then we started to draw and paint this experience. We had a great time today, it’s a pity that this camp is over!
Sára Ladányi, László Kozma, Kaposvár Group 4th