2023. 07. 16.
Egyéb, Jászberény, Kaposvár, Pécs
Language and Local historical camp – Délvidék
After one year, the Kaposvár 2, Jászság 2 and Pécs 1 groups started their camp together again. This time we set off together to explore „Délvidék”. We started our adventure in Osijek, our first day was mainly about spending time together, sharing the events of the past months. Tomorrow we will really start our exploration, getting to know the city of Osijek and its surroundings, including a visit to the meadow of Kopacz, where we will have a boat trip to see the rich wildlife. During the week we will also visit Vukovar and the World War Memorial, after exploring Novi Sad we will head to Nándorfehérvár, now known as Belgrade, and end the week at Galamboc, where we will tour the famous castle.