A day at Lake Tisza
“Today (4 July) the group spent the day together in Poroszlo, at the Lake Tisza Ecocentre, which is located right on the shore of the lake. When we arrived, we played a little, then continued our day with a boat trip. The captain of our boat told us many interesting facts about the wildlife of Lake Tisza on the way, and showed us several birds along the way. We also sailed into the middle of the reeds, hoping to see some animals in their natural habitat. We saw nests where birds fly in from below. In the heat, we cooled ourselves under a shelter. We also went to a 3D cinema, where we watched a short film about the flora and fauna of the lake. We were lucky because afterwards we were able to watch the otters being fed. After lunch, we wandered around the inside of the ecocentre in small groups. There were some quite big fish in the aquariums. The whole building is very special. We came home with many nice experiences.”
Kálmán Jázmin Margit, Bajzáth Barbara, Sárközi János Jászság Group 1