Nature Photography section

Nature Photography section

On May 17-18, 2024, we organized the first preliminary selection for the Nature Photography Section of the Arts and Crafts Camp in Szeged. Students from Szeged and Jászság participated in our first preliminary selection.

On the first day of the workshop, Friday, we discussed the plans and route for the next day’s excursion, and after dinner, we prepared the photography equipment for the next day. On Saturday morning, our first photography location was Nagyszéksós Lake in Mórahalom, where a large gull colony awaited us, filled with nesting and nest-protecting gulls.

After taking bird photos and resting in the cool morning weather, we had breakfast by the lake and then continued our search for poppy and wildflower fields around Szentes and Szegvár, looking for macro subjects. Fortunately, this year the area was full of wildflowers and insects, and by the afternoon, we didn’t have to worry about the strong wind, which usually poses a significant problem for macro photography.

After Szentes and Szegvár, we headed to the Atkai backwater to arrive in time for the evening arrival of herons and night herons before sunset. However, before that, Peti and Szabi showed us the freshly fertilized carp eggs and the hatching process at the fish farm in Derekegyház. We brought some eggs with us for photography purposes, intending to photograph them with a microscope at the Community House in the evening, but to our great surprise, the eggs hatched in the jar, so we could only capture the larvae with our lenses.

Despite the failure of the egg photography, we were compensated by the atmospheric sunset and birdlife of the Atkai backwater, where we managed to take many bird photos again.


Next week, we will continue our workshop with our photographer friends from Nagybajom and Szentes.

Szandra Vass

Szeged Group 2

More of our photos can be viewed in the gallery:

Természetfotós workshop 2024/1.