Our Experiences from Afar

Our Experiences from Afar

Returning from our trips abroad, we were eagerly looking forward to meeting up again because there was so much to discuss. We were in England when we learned that our team had won the innovation category at the First Lego League competition in Australia. We were excited about the reunion, especially since three members of our group had competed there.

The plan for the week was initially to tidy up the garden at the Community House, but this changed due to the intense heat. Márk and Zolika shared their experiences from Sydney with us. Everyone listened attentively, as their stories were truly fascinating. Besides the competition, they had time to explore the beauty of Australia. They enriched their account with photos and small souvenirs or items received from competitors. They described how they endured the more than 20-hour flight, with a layover in Dubai and an 8-hour time difference upon arrival. They saw unique plants and animals, walked among colorful parrots, and everything there was so special. We congratulated them in person for their extraordinary achievement! We are very proud of them!

We also tried to share our own experiences from England, as it was an unforgettable adventure for us! We talked about meeting Spanish and Italian kids at the language school, the challenges of communicating with host families initially, and how by the end of the week, we were confidently conversing with everyone and explaining ourselves until they understood us. We made foreign acquaintances, improved our English conversation skills, and that one week will remain a cherished memory for everyone.

We didn’t quite finish our storytelling, but we took a break for a movie, as we were eagerly anticipating watching “Despicable Me 4” together at the nearby cinema. After the movie, we returned to the house to continue sharing our experiences, discussing what we did in London, our waterfront adventures, the significant temperature differences between countries, and which we preferred—warm or cool. We had a wonderful time, and it was great to recount and discuss all the things that happened to us last week. Thank you so much!

Jázmin Margit Kálmán, Jászság 1