Spring Competition Season in Kaposvár
Spring is the main season for academic competitions in many places, and it’s no different for us in Group 2 in Kaposvár. Both at the group and individual levels, we strive to excel in various areas: on March 12th, we took the ICDL exam, thus acquiring the Start Basic Card by obtaining the online skills test module.
We were eagerly preparing for the oral round of the foundation’s language competition as well, as there’s a lot at stake: the opportunity to travel to foreign language camps in England, Germany, and Croatia.
“The past few weeks have been exciting for me as I participated in various academic competitions with varying degrees of success. I missed the national finals by two points in the county geography competition of Lóczy Lajos; however, I performed better in the English translation competition, where I will be able to compete in the regional competition. What I am most proud of is the computer team competition held at the MATE Kaposvár Campus, where we finished second among eight very strong teams.”
Radó Barnabás
“With the support of the Foundation, I can indulge in my favorite hobby, dancing. After six months of hard work, I made it to the regional competition of art schools, where I achieved second place in junior Latin solo dance and also won a silver medal in junior Latin duo formation. Perhaps somewhat oddly, I also greatly enjoyed the Winter Reading Contest, where I scored 185 points out of the available 200 in the multi-round competition and had a good time reading exciting books, reviewing them, and solving various interesting tasks. I also don’t neglect sports; my team became the best in the county at the Mc Donald’s Fair Play soccer cup, and we are preparing to win the gold medal in the national finals on April 8th.”
Kovács Eszter
“I spent roughly the last six months writing my paper for the MTDK (Munkácsy Scientific Student Conference). The essence of the conference is to choose a research topic freely and write a paper, usually about 20 pages long, which must be presented orally within the framework of the conference after evaluation. My project was based on witch hunts, drawing parallels with mostly stereotype-based trials and prejudices prevalent in my age group. It was an extremely long process and required a lot of time, as I processed numerous sources, and evaluating the practical part (a drama pedagogy session with my class) was no easy task either. On March 19th, at the regional finals held at my high school, I undoubtedly managed to persuade the jury of university lecturers with my presentation and the 20-page essay, as I achieved first place in the social science category. The next challenge will take place at the MATE Kaposvár Campus, where, after further refinements and additions to my project, I will present it, with the aim of advancing to the national finals. However, the MTDK is not the only additional task for me at the moment. My next challenge is the Dictée organized by ELTE, which is a French dictation and spelling competition. I participated in it last year as well, and I am aiming for a podium finish this year.”
Kovács-Nagy Sarolta