A busy weekend at the Mathias Corvinus College
We were on a training about further education held by MCC on saturday.
I am a member of MCC’s program for middle school students for more than a year, so I had been on many events like this. In the program they have talked about further education and about the faculties. The students of the college have talked about their personal observations and experiences. I personally think, that it will help us to make deliberate decisions in our future and help is always needed. The programs were enjoyable and we have met many other student in the same situations as we are. I hope I’ll have the opportunity to be a part of events like this and I’ll get much new information through the MCC program.
Bogdán Dóra Lilla, Pécs 2
At the weekend, on Saturday we travelled to Budapest. I have heard many things about Mathias Corvinus College from my mates and teachers but I only started to be interested in MCC in the choice of career day. It was for secondary school students, and it is based on e-learning. On that day we took part of a performance which was about “What diploma is good for?” the szakvalaszto.hu’s performance and introduction. My favorite part of the performances was when the university’s students told us a lot about MCC and their studies. For MCC it is very important to connect people, and work in a team. At the different stations well-prepared and kind people were informing us. This community collects students from different universities\secondary schools so they can work together for a better future.
Szőllősi Andrea, Pécs 2