Tallérgyűjtő excursion

Tallérgyűjtő excursion

As per tradition, our students participated in the multi-round language Tallérgyűjtő competition reward trip this school year, this time in Orfű, a little gem in the Mecsek Mountains. We rewarded those participants who completed all five rounds of the test and successfully met the challenges.

We took part in the Tallérgyűjtő competition reward trip this weekend in Orfű. We traveled in heavy rain, hoping the weather would change, and fortunately, it did. On the first day, after arriving and having lunch, we went to the Balázs Hill lookout in Orfű to admire the Western Mecsek and the lake system, then we tried dragon boating and played mini-golf before dinner. In the late afternoon, we had a language quiz to solve in teams. The quiz was organized by our junior mentor Anna Benczúr and was themed around a mill-related puzzle. Everyone enjoyed it because, until now, we solved this competition digitally, but this time we had the chance for a full treasure hunt experience. After the competition, everyone was in a hurry as it was the UEFA Champions League final. Real Madrid and Dortmund were playing. We from Jászság were all rooting for Real Madrid, and they won, of course. During halftime, the results of the Tallérgyűjtő competition were announced, which many eagerly awaited, but everyone received prizes. The second day was just as eventful as the first. After breakfast, we toured the Abaliget Cave, later traveling by car to the historic mills of Orfű, where homemade cocoa and pistachio rolls awaited us. Near the mills, we walked the Vízfő educational trail, exploring the unique flora and fauna of the swampy, labyrinthine area. After all this, we had lunch and said our goodbyes. We had a great time, and we thank the Csányi Foundation for allowing us to be here.

Jázmin Margit Kálmán, Jászság Group 1

Pictures can be found in the Gallery.