2017. 11. 27.
Egyéb, Jászberény
School ball in Szolnok
On 25th of November I took part in Kitti Kispál and Fruzsina Czuczu’s school ball, which was organised by the Varga Katalin Secondary School. The girls are 5th grade students of the Arany János Programme, they will have their school leaving exam this year. The ball was started with a speech, then the classes gave their performances. First of all we could see Viennese waltz, all of the girls wore wonderful white dresses. After that the classes presented their class dances. This evening, which was full of emotions, will be memorable for all of the guests. I am so happy to be part of this wonderful ball. Thank you for this evening!
Nagy Ildikó, Jászság 3. mentor