Seminar in Szeged
The atmosphere created was comfortable and safe, which allowed us to express our own opinions without feeling overly self-conscious.
A lecture entitled ’About Puberty for Adolescents’ was presented for the Csányi Foundation at its community house in Szeged. The topic seemed interesting and pertinent to me. My curiosity promted me to participate in this session. When I arrived at the upstairs room, it was apparent that an interactive talk was awaiting us rather than the usual lecture format. The chairs were arranged in a circle and the facilitator, István Korom, sat amongst us. A lot of people were interested in this topic and everyone sought extensive information. It seemed to me that everybody appreciated the teaching method, particularly since the lecturer tried to involve as many people as possible in the conversations. Besides the precise concepts he shared with us, he elaborated with his own ideas and reflections
on his past experiences. The atmosphere created was comfortable and safe, which allowed us to express our own opinions without feeling overly self-conscious. The time quickly flew by. It would be great to continue our discussions because answers continued to raise other
questions. We were promised that there would be similar programmes in the near future at the community house. Time permitting, I intend to participate in some of the other planned lectures.
Zsolt Horváth, Parent, Szeged, Group 2.