Parents’ Academy and Meeting in Kaposvár

Parents’ Academy and Meeting in Kaposvár

As the 2022-23 school year is coming to an end, the Kaposvár Group 1 held its end-of-year parents’ meeting at the Kaposvár Community Centre. At the event, we evaluated the first year of the youngest members of the group at the Csányi Foundation, as they were admitted to the group last spring.

Parents said that all the children had enjoyed the past year, were happy to come to the sessions and programmes and really enjoyed coming to the Community Centre. After the evaluation, it was time for the administration to fill out the camp forms and the parent satisfaction questionnaires.


The parents’ meeting was a good opportunity to showcase what the children have created over the past year, and we exhibited both the storyboxes from the Superhero project and the creative project.

Before the Parents’ meeting, we held a Parents’ Academy, which included a presentation on safe internet use.