Parental meeting and Parents’ Forum in Mohács

Parental meeting and Parents’ Forum in Mohács

“On May 16th, the children and parents of Mohács Group 1 met at the Community House. In the first part of the gathering, Erika told the parents how well we did at the Life Path Festival, and those of our peers who placed in the ‘Color Your World’ competition received their awards. Erika then informed us about the upcoming programs. We are going on trips to Szigetvár and Békáspuszta, which we are all looking forward to. We also discussed the summer camp programs, which made us very excited; we can’t wait to be on the bus and traveling. Several of us from the group are going to four camps this summer.

After the parent-teacher meeting, we had guests: Szimonetta and Judit, who are employees of the Bonafarm Group. In the first part of the session, together with our parents, we learned about the work of the group, how many people they employ, and how many people they provide a livelihood for. We also found out what positions can be filled with different qualifications. In the second part of the session, we separated from our parents and filled out a questionnaire with Judit to determine our areas of interest. Meanwhile, the parents talked with Szimonetta about career choices. We learned a lot of interesting things during the afternoon, and I am glad I could be there.”

Kamilla Gajdácsi, Group 1