Parental meeting in Jászberény

Parental meeting in Jászberény

On Tuesday afternoon, during the first part of the parent-teacher meeting, we discussed the upcoming international trip. Some members of the J4 team who traveled last year assisted us and shared their experiences and personal insights. Many useful pieces of information were shared; thank you very much! After completing the paperwork, we continued the conversation within the group. The children worked on projects this year as well. The “Lego” team participated in the FIRST LEGO League competition, where they advanced and will soon compete internationally in Sydney. The annual Tallérgyűjtő competition reward trip took place over the weekend in Orfű, where several children from our house also participated. We have completed the high school entrance exams, and most of the children have been admitted to their first-choice high schools. The next goal is to obtain the B1, and for some, the B2 language exam and the ICDL certificate. An exciting summer awaits us, as the children will be traveling to England, Germany, or Australia at the end of June.

Parents of Jászság Group 1