Welcome to the Arena
For closing the week, what could be better than visiting Allianz Arena in Munich.
It was a great experience for me because one of my favourite football clubs is FC Bayern. The trip had a pleasant atmosphere because we were looking at photos from previous days and having chats. Arriving in Munich we used all means of public transport which took us to Allianz Arena. We were so lucky taht we could see what was happening backstage. We had the chance to visit the changing rooms, the press room and the football field. All in all I can say that this day was more than great after which nothing else could come just sweet dreams. (Szabó Gábor, Pécs)
A new day has come. Allianz Arena was waiting for us today where I felt pretty well. While waiting for our tour guide who showed us around, we had enough time to look at the photos made during this week. The most interesting part came only when we started our guided tour. It is unbelievable beging here and I hardly can believe be the part of it. (Kovács Patrícia, Nagybajom)
This was the best day of the week. We were together, the weather was splended and the Arena was just behind the doors. Photos are better than words – I will be glad showing them to my friends and family. (Tischlér Renáta, Pécs)
Although I am not a football fan, I pretty enjoyed going to the FC Bayern Arena. It was a bit strange walking in the same rooms where the football stars are usually walkingl.I have to tell, I am quite excited because I made a lovely present for my host family. I hope they would love what I made. I wish it meant as much to them as it means to me. (Roubál Nikolett, Pécs)
Today’s programme was perfect because the day and the group itself was perfect. (Karácsony Csilla, Kaposvár)
My dream came true today: from my childhood I was dreaming about visiting once the FC Bayern Stadion in Munich. It is even better that I could share this experience with my friends. It was breathtaking. It is hard to encounter how many pieces of information was given. It is hard to believe that the lawn is cut “on measure” (2.5 cm) and special tanning panels are in charge of the well-being of the football pitch. The ice of the cake was that during our fantastic programme we could develop our German language knowledge since everything was said in German. Thank you for organising it! (Járay Bianka-Pécs, Kiss Kinga-Jászság)