At a great performance
Finally this time, on the 1st of April we could participate in a great play because we saw our groupmate, Attila’s performance in Budapest. The drama’s title was, in memoriam: Fox.
This play was stunning, thought-provoking and also really enjoyable. The visitors had to bring some selective garbage because it was part of the set in the play. In the theatre we sit in a narrow corridor where two rows of chairs were placed so we experienced more realisticly the happenings. We couldn’t bored during the performance because it contained really good jokes and dramatic situations. Attila had a really important role, he sang a song. Although the preformance wasn’t longet than one hour it contained a lot of happening. We are only laymens but we could see that they worked a lot with this. Thanks Attila for the invitaton and we wish that to reach your dreams Attilla, to get into the Színművészeti University. We can’t wait for the next event!
Rostás István and Kiss Kinga, group 2 of Jászság