Sportcamp in Mohács

Sportcamp in Mohács

Exercise could not be left out of our lives this summer, so the second sports camp in Mohács started today. After the warm welcome, we moved in to our rooms. After lunch, we had time to explore the area of ​​our accommodation and get to know each other better. After the opening, this week’s schedule was presented, which contains a lot of interesting free time activities and programs. After a short rest, we set off to explore the town and recharge our batteries after the long journey on the banks of the Danube. In the late afternoon, sports activities began. During the week, we can try ourselves at several sports, such as beach volleyball, soccer, table tennis, zumba, yoga, just dance, football, chess. We look forward to the coming days with excitement. ” Juhász-Aba Nikolett, Jászberény group 2