Sport camp in Mohács
Enjoyable and productive programs were held during the camp. Beside trainings and a volleyball championship, we couldn’t miss a voyage on the Danube, and we could also visit the beautiful town. During the eventful days, we had enough free time, so we could use the swimming pool or spend our time playing other games, such as table tennis, table soccer, and card games. Thanks to the mixed volleyball teams, the teambuilding was also a great success, because we had a chance to get to know the members of the other Community Houses, and to compare our abilities in friendly matches. On Monday we already begun the trainings. On Tuesday morning after the warm-up we started the championship. On Wednesday the championship has ended, and the following results have come out:
1st place: “Lecsaplak”
Andor Kern, Eszter Pálfi, Izabella Varga, Boglárka Bogdán, Tamás Oláh
2nd place: “Kalória”
Nadin Kuckó, Ferenc Horváth, Tamás Burai, Andrea Balla, András Gál
3rd place: “Szabadkéz”
Kíra Mirella Érdi, Nikolett Juhász-Aba, Melodi Balla, Máté Sós, Róbert Balázsi
4th place: “Kitartóak”
Petra Völfinger, Bianka Alett Kovács, Virág Flibert, Olivér Peredi, Gergő Koszta
On Wednesday, we had an opportunity, to have a conversation with Tímea Nagy and Antal Dunai, legendary Hungarian Olympians. On Tuesday morning, we could compete on a surprise-championship, in which we could play against the team of mentors. After exciting matches, the mentors have won. In the afternoon we sailed from Mohács to Dunaszekcső with a catamaran. After coming back to Mohács, we could learn about the “Busójárás” from Gábor Baráth, a famous mask manufacturer. We made our own busómasks, we could also try on the costumes. On the last night we have received our prizes. We had an opportunity to take part in an amazing sport camp, and I would gladly come next year.
Tamás Burai – Jászberény 2 group