Team competition
10.03.2017 I participated in the first national law enforcement competition for those who are student in high school. I was a member of my school team. My school is Liska József Katolikus Erősáramú Szakközépiskola, Gimnázium és Kollégium. We have been learning for the big event for several months. There were qualifiers what we won successfully as a result we qualified our school into the final. The final was oragnised on 31.03-01-04. In the final there were 20 teams who compete with each other. On the first day was the test. On the next day were the physical and faculty tasks. Our team won 2 special prize out of 3. we won the best disaster recovery and correction special prize. Honestly, it was unbelieveable when we heard we are the winners. I am so proud to be the member of that fabulous team.
Sós Bence Jászság 3.