Successful intermediate language exam

Successful intermediate language exam

I’m László Ákos Kiss, a member of the Jászság 4 group. In the 2023-2024 school year, one of our main goals was to pass the intermediate English language exam. During the foundation development classes, our development teacher, Márta Páll, helped a lot in the preparation. We had a good time during the preparation, as I always practiced the paired tasks with Zsolti, so the development classes were spent in an even better mood.

On the recommendation of our teacher and mentor, we applied for the DEXAM intermediate level complex language exam in May 2024, in which we achieved a good result in the oral exam, and after that we only had to worry about the results of the written exam.

My groupmate, Zsolt Kovács, and I successfully passed the intermediate level complex English language exam, and today we are happy to hold our language exam certificate in our hands. I would like to thank the Foundation for the opportunity and the development classes, our development teacher Márta Páll for the high level of preparation, and our mentor for the support. Thank you (László Ákos Kiss- Jászság group 4)