Global Chess Festival
We have been made out excitedly in Jászberény when we hit the road to Budapest to Global Chess Festival on 17th October,2015.
The event was organized in Budai Várkert Bazár. When we arrived we got into a real chess palace where the good programs surpassed our hope. Chess on stilts and better and better programs amused the guests.
Among several hundred children we were differentiated with our orange T-shirt. All day we could confirm our aptitude, collect points and buy chess presents by using collected points. For me the greatest experience was the personal meeting with Judit Polgár who is an international chess master. Anatolij Karpov and Rusztam Kaszimdzsanov gave the event the light of theirs countenance.
Polgár Judit Chess Foundation and Csányi Foundation together invited applications „Adventures in Budavári Palace from children aspect. We were very proud of the rap play of Juhász Máté, Tálas Péter, Burai Tamás, Gulyás Patrik and Barankai-Erős Barnabás. The have won the third place with their song.
We supported Pécsi Roli together, who could play simultaneous with Judit Polgár. At the end of the day we was tired pleasantly, full of experineces we arrived home. In the backpack was a photo with signature of Judit Polgár. This photo is among my treasures. Thank Csányi Foundation and Judit Polgár very much for this chess fabulous Saturday of October.
Olivér Peredi, Jászság 2
We could perform at Chess Festival
Already we have been made out of the Chess Festival for two weeks because in order to participate we had to apply. Age of King Matthias quotation works had to make: was the one who drew the old Buda fairs, or poem written about the labyrinth, we -the five boys- decided, we write a song, which, if it would be successful, we could play it for audience. For our greatest joy we have won the third place, so one of our dream was realized. When the great day has come, we travelled to Budapest, and soon, after our arrival, we stood on the stage. It was a big honour for us -exept that we could advance our song- we got our award from Judit Polgár in person. This day falls into line beside our greatest “Csányis” experiences.
Barankai-Erős Barnabás, Juhász Máté Krisztián, Tálas Péter, Gulyás Patrik, Burai Tamás Gábor Jászság 2.