Degree in Psychology

Degree in Psychology

On 25 July, I successfully received my honours degree in psychology at a graduation ceremony in the St Stephen’s Basilica in Budapest. The event itself was very beautiful and I was proud to hold the work of the last 3 years in my hands.
I feel very grateful to all those who made this possible, including the Foundation and my family, without whom I believe this would not have been possible. A special thank you to the Foundation for believing in me and giving me the opportunities I needed to achieve my goals. I am especially happy that I was able to do my basic training in Budapest thanks to the S10 housing option, which was a great advantage and help. I would like to continue my studies with a Master’s degree in Psychology with a Specialization in Developmental and Child Clinical Studies at Pázmány Péter Catholic University.

Berta Fábián

Szeged 3