Portfolio Evaluation 2023.
On Friday, May 12, in the Jászság Community House, we had one of the most important moments of this year, and even of our “Csányis” existence so far, the Portfolio Evaluation. We welcomed our guests with pleasure and great honor: Ádám Csányi and his partner Leo Jacqueline, curators Gábor Marosi and László Edwárd Papp, operational director Dr. Miklós Radoszáv and Ms. André Piroska Szabóné.
Introducing the Jászság 3rd group’s work was not an easy task, as we had to summarize six years in a short time, which, let’s face it, is not an easy task since we can claim countless results, experiences, programs and camps. Despite this, I think we solved it very well, we shared our memories and then presented our work so far based on our main projects that we worked with. The one called “AMÖR” and Lego project were followed by the project entitled: “Water Testing” and “Against Food Wasting”, supported by Dr. Katalin Karikó, and finally the “Sustainable Clothing” project followed. Between the project presentations, the individual defenses of the students working in the group followed. Of course, we were all a little fidgety, we were curious about the words of the curators, we didn’t know if they would like what we were doing or not. We wanted to convince them that it was worth it to stay here at the Foundation, which I feel we succeeded in doing.
To our great pleasure, they all praised us, and individually we received very useful and important advices regarding our future, so we can continue our life journey at the Csányi Foundation. We thank the Foundation for the meaningful years we have spent here and thank you for supporting us to achieve our future goals!
On behalf of my group, I would like to thank our mentor, Ildikó Nagy, not only for her preparation for Portfolio Protection, but also for her 6 years of work so far, as well as all our developers and volunteers and helpers, because without them none of this would have been possible!” Pege Gyula Jászság group 3
The photos are in the Galery.