Tamás Oláh

My name is Tamás Oláh. I was born in Jászberény on 7 April 1983. After elementary school in Jászszentandrás, I went to secondary school in Gyöngyös and Jászapáti, where I became a general agronomist and an agricultural technician, and received higher professional qualifications as a commercial manager. After that I graduated from Szent István University as an elementary school PE teacher.

I teach at Lehel Vezér Secondary Grammar School in Jászberény, and I also taught PE at Klapka György Vocational School. Sports, and especially football, are very important to me; I played in the third division of the national league and on several teams in the 1st county division. I don’t play anymore, but I work as a coach, which I enjoy immensely. I’m a person of many interests, and I try to keep improving myself.

At the Csányi Foundation I work as a mentor. I am proud of this, as here I can help children who are smart and talented, but through no fault of their own lack the means to reach their potential. Being a mentor is a great responsibility and challenge, but it is a beautiful task and I do everything I can so that these children can achieve their goals and get everything they need to become healthy, happy and valuable members of society.


2017. 02. 27.

