Four weeks has past and I am going back to China. In the last week in Csanyi foundation I got to know the kids in Jaszbereny. The youngest group was just so cute and thoughtful. I remembered when I was having class with Tomi, Monika, Anna, they kept reminding the English teacher to let me join whatever they are doing. When the teacher asked who knew psy, a popular Korean singer, or his songs, Tomi said, ”Oppan Gangnam style.” He was such an adorable boy!! I spent most of my time with the 15year-old group. The boys in this group were less shy and they’ve tried to ask me so many questions on my last day in Hungary, Ildi showed me around the community house with her group. They saw anything meaningful then they would introduce it to me. When we came to the river, we fed ducks together. I enjoyed the time which made it harder for me to say goodbye.
I especially want to thank the kids and the mentors who threw me a big surprise cake on 14th February, my birthday. I thought it would be a normal day in the foundation but just then, that afternoon they surprised me with an unexpected cake and birthday song. It has been a different 20th year old birthday.


I had a great time in Budapest on Thursday. I went to the city with the mentors. I was going sightseeing with Szabolcs while they were having a meeting. It was really nice to see the three mentors in Szeged again, who have taken care of me for three weeks! Szabolcs is a guy who works for Csanyi Foundation in Budapest. His daily work has nothing to do with English but his English was just as good as a native English speaker’s, which made me admire Csanyi Foundation more.


The three girl mentors in Jaszbereny are angels to me. I was supposed to be a volunteer but I found myself being taken care of well. Judit knew I like langos then she bought one for me. Ildi took her cooking to me on weekends. Eszter could hardly speak English but she used her body language to talk to me and to phrase me. There were a lot of things I need to thank them for…



In short, Csanyi Foundation is a community full of loving mentors and nice and adorable kids. The kids are just so nice to you that you can’t help wanting to try your best to help them who would also help you in return.
I am their Facebook friends now and I can receive many of their greetings from Szeged and Jaszbereny every time I log in.:)))


Thank you for this incredible experience, Csanyi Foundation.


Julie Chen, AIESEC volunteer from China