Financial literacy camp – Kaposvár, 25-30.07.2021.
This year, for technical reasons, the financial literacy camp was implemented as a local camp instead of the usual location in Balatonszemes.
July 25, 2021: We started the camp on Sunday morning so that the children could get to know our little mentor, Zsófi Trixler, better. After the mutual introduction, the children were introduced to basic financial concepts and this knowledge could be measured immediately during the two concept matching games of different difficulty. Then the teams were given an interesting task: what would you start with 50 million forints? Each team read out the idea they put together and then we voted on which one we like best. After lunch, we spent the afternoon with one of their favorite tasks, Activity, where we had to guess, show off and draw words related to money and finance.
July 26, 2021: Today, the main role was played by board games: Monopoly, Manage Wisely, and Banking also appeared. Everyone could play with all of them, or with a new favorite game: poker – without money, of course. The morning was in a very good mood, and after lunch we went down to the City Park, where we had the opportunity to move not only our brains but also our bodies.
July 27, 2021: We spent the morning with a crossword puzzle, toto and bingo. To solve the crossword puzzle, they first learned new financial concepts and expressions, then the solution went easily. In the toto, we asked for data that the children could not yet learn, but they came up with the help of wallets and banknotes, coins, or even guessing the tasks they received. This was a difficult task, but also useful, as a lot of new information was learned from it. Closing the morning was followed by financial bingo – the kids really enjoyed it, they really enjoy playing this task, they are always excited about who manages to shout “Bingo!” for the first time. In the afternoon, Sasa had a drama session with games related to money and value.
July 28-29, 2021.: The employees of the OTP Fáy Foundation, Fanni Rigó and Rafael Szekerdi brought many interesting, exciting and useful tasks and games for the children. They learned a lot, the children became richer with a lot of new knowledge, while they had a great time, there were many times the cheering for each other or the sound of big laughter from the room.
July 30, 2021: We closed the week in the Flower Bath, where it was especially good to hang out, paddle in this great heat, relax a little.
“We did everything we could to get the most out of the local camp. As a little mentor, I tried to contribute to making the most diverse and useful programs available to children. In addition to the good mood, I tried to enrich the children with as much financial knowledge as possible in the camp. I’m so glad I was able to participate in this camp and get into such a good community.” (Zsófia Trixler, little mentor, Kaposvár 1.)
“I really liked the camp because we learned a lot about finances. The programs were interesting and we could really immerse ourselves in it. My favorite was the quiz task, I really enjoyed the group work as well.” (László Kozma, Kaposvár 4.)
“The financial camp held this week was very helpful in my opinion and we gained a lot of new knowledge during the sessions. Fanni and Rafi – the trainers of the OTP Fáy Foundation – gave us lectures, where the presentations were made simpler and more colorful with cards and pictures. We also argued or counter-argued about certain money-related situations, guessed how much a scoop of ice cream in Italy would cost, what to do if our speaker broke, and games like these were added to the session. When we weren’t busy with these, we spent our free time completing quizzes, board games, concept matching. I think it’s important that we start dealing with this at the latest at this age, because we’ll really need them later, and it’s never too early to get started.” (Sarolta Kovács-Nagy, Kaposvár 4.)
“We were greeted with great pleasure and anticipation as the trainers of the OTP Fáy András Foundation at the Csányi Foundation camp in Kaposvár, so that between July 28 and 29 we can participate in exciting, adventurous program, rich in financial, economic and management knowledge.On both days, two training modules and two mini-programs were implemented, each representing three-hour sessions. The training modules presented and processed economic actors, conscious consumption and general and economic knowledge related to the European Union in the spirit of fun learning. The post-training mini-programs provided enthusiastic learners with playful exercises and fun, exciting, and creative tasks with creative physical and mental challenges, with a strong emphasis on financial, economic, and management skills.Based on the feedback, it can be clearly stated that the participants of the camp managed to get memorable, joyful moments while expanding their financial knowledge, developing their logical, critical way of thinking and their ability to cooperate. This, of course, required the openness and active attitude of the young people, which made the two days even more effective and colorful.More than anything, the students’ sincere, heartfelt laughter, smiles, and voluntary thanks to us indicated that we had a lasting experience for them.” (Fanni Rigó, Rafael Szekerdi, OTP Fáy Foundation)
Pictures are available in Galéria.