2015. 09. 25.
Egyéb, Jászberény
Csalaphang from Jászberény. We waited excitedly our first radio broadcast!
Discussion and happy moments were prior to the first live broadcasting of Pécs Radio online from Jászberény on 24th September. During the first minutes we were sitting around microphone-shy but as minutes passed by we enjoyed broadcasting more and more. We did not realise when the interviewees started asking us and we did our best to answer the questions. I really like this kind of show and I think I want to learn more about it to make our next broadcast even more colourful. We enjoyed the show and we hope that the listeners enjoyed it as well.
Presenters from Jászság were Cserna Vivien, Kalla Andrea, Major Rudolf, Rostás István, Vig Dávid, Sós Bence, and Kalla László