Christmas time, Pécs
„So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Cor. 13:13 quoted Járay Bianka the words from the Bible. With these words we started our celebration in Pécs:
The first days of December passed in the mood of intimate waiting. During the afternoons we prepared hand-made Christmas ornaments and little surprises for each other. This is the time of the year, when everybody wants to give something: patience, endurance, love, attention or simply themselves. On our Christmas feast we surprised each other with self written poems – it was so heart warming. We eat with great pleasures the delicious cakes baked by our mothers and grandmothers. We were singing, jamming and laughing. The biggest surprise of the day was the first and really magnificent year-book of the Foundation. We were longing for such a book for such a long time and now our wish came true! Everybody thumbed it gladly.
Finally, on this cold of December, in the heavy snowfall, with love in our hearts and Christmas presents in our hands we said goodbye to each other and to the Community House too. We are going to move into another one in January 2013!