Career guidance programme in Pécs
“On Saturday 14 October, the Pécs 2 and 3 group visited me at the Pécs ambulance station. The morning programme was part of the career orientation. As an opening of the morning I told about my journey to find my profession, then I told about the rescue work, positions, the difficulties and the beauties of the paramedic job. After that, together, we took a detailed look at the tools and equipment that a casualty/emergency ambulance uses, as that is what paramedics work with. Everything was shown and there were some things the children could try out. Towards the end of the programme, we visited in small groups the room where emergency calls are received and from where ambulances are dispatched, i.e. the ambulance control room. The children listened with interest to my lectures and demonstrations, which were always accompanied by some very good questions that I was happy to answer. I hope that I have given them an insight into rescue work and that others will be happy to take it up as a career.” Alexandra Zsanett Veréb, Pécs, Group 3, PTE ETK, third year student of paramedic