2024. 07. 21.
Egyéb, Jászberény, Kaposvár, Pécs
Today, the Kaposvár Group 2, Jászság Group 2, and Pécs Group 1 started their final joint camp in Bükfürdő. We have all been looking forward to this week of summer, as it allows us to see each other again and participate in a variety of excellent activities. During the camp, we will visit the Schönbrunn and Eszterházy palaces, Regensburg Castle, and the Zotter Chocolate Factory. We will also explore the city of Vienna, and in Burgenland, we will enjoy a rail bike ride to use up our remaining energy.
I believe the activities and the company will make for a very enjoyable week, even though it may be our last camp in this format.
We thank the Csányi Foundation, Hunguest Bük Hotel, and our mentors for the opportunity!
Antónia Polgár, Pécs 1