Online workshops
The new restrictions did not take our motivation – instead of cancelling our creative writing workshops, we decided to hold it in a modified form: online. We met in the online world (via Meet) on Saturday and Sunday, and despite the distance between us, we created a cosy, dynamic atmosphere.
During the weekend we had two major topics (topics that were previously chosen by the children): we learnt how to use the external world to express our inner feelings on the first day, and on the second day we examined dialogues and talked about the form and content of it. What makes a dialogue good, anyway? We had plenty of examples from different books (from Jane Eyre to Harry Potter). After each task we could share our writings with the others, and we inspired each other as we discussed them.
We had a successful weekend – so successful that the children demanded to fix the date for our second workshop as well – and so we did!
IWS – Introvert Writers Society