Language exams on several levels and in different forms
A significant milestone of language learning at the Foundation is the language exam. Six members of our group decided to challenge themselves, out of which two went to pursue C1, and four chose the B2 level. Out of the examinees, Lilla Fekete was the only one to select the online format, while the others preferred the regular exam process.
‘I chose the online format for my C1 language exam because I done my previous, B2 one in the same way. Back then, during the pandemic that was the only possibility to complete the language exam and as I really liked doing it in my own environment, I decided to stick with it. Before the exam, a pre-login took place, to check if everything is ready to start the language exam properly. Then, I began with the reading and writing portion of the exam at 10 am and moved on the speaking part at 4:30 pm. I feel like I did well on both parts. Naturally, I was really nervous during the whole process, but it was a bit relaxing that I had the opportunity to complete the exam at the comfort of my own home.’ Fekete Lilla
‘After a long period of practice, today was the day to complete our B2 language exam. Since we have been practicing diligently for the past few years, we gave our everything and with great excitement we began to rise for the challenge. As someone, who took their exam in German, I felt the bar was raised high, however, I believe I could successfully conclude the exam, held in Pécs. I felt relieved and good about my achievements, and I don’t think I was the only one to feel so, as my groupmates also reported similar experiences beside our well-deserved ice cream that we received after the exam. The exercises were not simple, and time wasn’t on our side either, however, we did our best, and I think that is the most important.’ Pretz Jázmin
‘A big chapter was closed in my life as I went to pursue my C1 language exam in English. I arrived at the scene with confidence, and after the reading and writing segment I was pleasantly surprised to find my friend within the Foundation from Nagybajom, Laci (Gázsik László) who then quickly became my pair for the speaking part of the exam. We were a strong team, who were ready to help each other if needed, so I feel like we could rightfully be proud of ourselves. I believe, the previous English lessons were very useful and had it’s effect on our exam, so I hope, in a few weeks we will receive results that we can all be content with.’ Antal Dominik