Nyelvi Verseny tavaszi szóbeli fordulók
This spring, all members of the Group 2 of Szeged took part in the oral language exam of the Foundation. As for the levels of the examinees, four of our students took the exam on B1 level, while most of them, twelve learners did it on that of B2, depending on which level each learner aims to sit their future state accredited language exam. What is more, one of our students participated on C1 level, as he is preparing for an exam of that level.
This exam, organized and administered by the Foundation, is a great opportunity for the children to gain valuable experience, thus improving their exam-taking skills, which becomes an important aspect to consider since most students are planning to take the aforementioned state accredited language exam in the forthcoming academic year.
It was a pleasure to see that most students had invested a great deal of time and energy in preparing for this exam. Their effort therefore has paid off as it can be seen from the results of the exams.
Anna Benczúr