
This school year has hardly started yet, we have already started the project work in the Community House in Jászberény. This year, our highlights are environmental protection, environmental awareness and recycling. With the joint involvement of the four groups, we successfully joined the local programs of the European Mobility Week national event organized by Jászberényi Jászkerület Nonprofit Kft. This year, the theme of this series of programs was environmental awareness in Jászberény. For the first time during the week, the children worked hard in the Community House – to draw, paint, sew, glue – to make works from recycled materials for the competition “I also live in Jászberény in an environmentally conscious way”, the results of which will be announced on 22 September. We’ve found that a lot of “waste” can be recycled with a little creativity and some work. ” Hábenciusné Balla Andrea
On September 17, we attended a lecture by Péter Szebenyi, an environmental engineer, at the City Library, as the theme of this year’s project of our Community House is environmental protection. The presentation was entitled “Climate Change, Global Warming” and this presentation was also part of the European Mobility Week programs. This evening Dávid Víg was also with us, as a small mentor from the 3rd group of Jászság. The presentation was very interesting because it was the topic of climate change from the very beginning – we talked about its formation and its consequences. We have learned that climate change is a natural phenomenon, but its consequences are no longer. Floods, the melting of the North and South Poles, more and more forest fires are all consequences of climate change. These problems are growing, and it’s sad enough that they’ve been so severe that 2020 has been the hottest year in 3,000 years. Needless to say, it also means the melting of glaciers and icebergs. However, if these happen (they are already underway), a lot of cities could fall under water due to rising sea levels. As I mentioned, climate change would be a natural phenomenon, but it would still lead to things like the greenhouse effect. As the industrial revolution continues today, emissions of gases such as Co2 or methane lead to their release into the atmosphere and this also reinforces the greenhouse effect. Human activities have an impact not only on the greenhouse effect, but also on the causes of extreme weather. We have all already experienced that it was still 35 degrees in one hour and then 2 hours later it stopped raining, pouring rain. This kind of sudden change is not good for most people or for the Earth. Over time, this can also lead to the disappearance of the seasons. In addition to these important topics, there was also food waste, littering and depletion of fresh water supplies. The performance was very interesting, so we hardly noticed that we had reached the end. I think everyone who has been present has thought about a topic for longer and is trying to change it for a better future! ” Gyula Pege, Tamás Sebestyén, Orsolya Varga
The productive performance on Friday afternoon was impressive for everyone. Peter told us that if we don’t do it for our Earth, there can be huge problems that cannot be reversed. By 2040, the average temperature of the Earth will rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius and from then on, everything will become irreversible. And I would like to draw everyone’s attention to his motto: “YOU CANNOT SUCCESS WITHOUT YOU!” Shepherd Aba Nikolett
Péter Szebenyi is a very versatile personality and I am glad that I was able to learn so much about his interests during the evening. In addition to his staff at the Institute of Climate Policy and his career in environmental engineering, he also works as an influenza agent on social media, and in his presentation we could also watch some videos of TikTok. He fights creatively and enthusiastically for his goal, and his performance was very motivating for all of us. ” Füle Viktória
„A színes programsorozat utolsó napján, vasárnap zajlott az Európai Autómentes Nap, amelyen a nagyobb csoportok tagjai (J2 és J3) önkéntes segítőként vettek részt, az 50 órás közösségi szolgálat keretén belül. Reggel 8 órától szorgoskodtak a város főterén, ahol sátrat építettek, padokat, asztalokat pakoltak és mindenben segítségére voltak a Jászkerület Kft. dolgozóinak. Ezalatt a J4 csoport néhány tagjával részt vettünk a Gördülő bejáráson, ahol szintén önkéntes segítőként kiosztottuk Sas Majával (J4 csoport) a résztvevőknek a fényvisszaverő zöld mellényeket és aláírattuk a jelenléti íveket. Ezután mindenki elindult a saját (emberi erővel hajtott) járművével, ami lehetett kerékpár, görkorcsolya, roller, babakocsi. A város négy különböző részéről indulva – rendőri kísérettel – jutottunk el a főtérre, ahol frissítő itallal és színes bemutatókkal vártak bennünket a szervezők és segítőik. Láthattunk a Katasztrófavédelem jóvoltából egy műszaki mentést, melynek során egy roncsautót szedtek darabjaira. A Rendőrség részéről bűn- és balesetmegelőzési programokat, mindemellett közelebbről megtekinthettünk egy kukás autót, de emellett lehetőség volt egészségügyi mérésekre, szűrésekre és kipróbálhattuk a “részeg” szemüveget is. A színpadon sport- és tánccsoportok léptek fel és megtekinthettük a pályázatra készült alkotásokat is a kiállításon. Igazán tartalmas hetünk volt és sok hasznos dolgot tanultunk a környezetvédelemről.” Hábenciusné Balla Andrea mentor
On Sunday we volunteered in Jászberény on the Car Free Day, where we helped with the landscaping and the placement of the posters. In the morning we arrived by bike with cooling water and apples. In the following, we also exhibited the pictures, paintings and works received for the tenders, for which we later recorded votes. In addition, we documented the results of the skill competitions and helped the participants. Overall, it was a great time and we had a lot of new experiences. ” Péter Tálas, Tamás Burai, Máté Sós, Márk Szücs, Tamás Sebestyén, Zalán Darabont, Dávid Víg