MS Buddy – The first meeting
Last year, the Csányi Foundation and the Microsoft Hungary announced a competition where the winners are having a year coaching led by three leaders of the Microsoft Hungary.
The title of the competition was also very meaningful: “application was something like „Step by step in business life guided by a genial fellow”.
Apart from me two other girls won the competition and with it the one year coaching. Zsuzsanna Herman is guiding me and the first meeting took place at the end of April. We introduced ourselves, we covered my plans for the future, hobbies, family and interests. We talked about what we will cover within this program: visiting a theatre, going for a dining event, and organising a day where everything will be about profession. For my request, we will also deal with the issue how to achieve better work-life balance.
I am more than curious about the program and I am very looking forward to the next meeting. Thank you so much!
Melitta Lévay, Jászberény 1. ELTE Faculty of Law