What would I be if…
Today (20/05) we arrived at the Community Centre at 9am for another exciting day. Our first activity was a team building session. During the morning we had time for 4 exercises which were: the first one was about the history of our name, we shared why we got it, who gave it to us and how we are reconciled with it. We learnt a lot of new things about our partners. Most of us don’t use our third names, while some of us prefer them. We also have deep feelings about our names, and we have come to understand what is behind the naming. The second exercise was the “My Chair” game, we did a lot of running around and teasing each other in the process of finding a seat. The third was an association game called What if …. We thought about what we would be if we were a tree, a flower, a smell, a sound, an animal, a country, a food, etc., and then we paired up to tell each other why we chose that particular thing. The most interesting ones were shared in a large circle. The final exercise was to test our creativity. We passed around a felt-tip pen saying that it wasn’t a pen, but… and acted out what we had made up instead. The others shouted out that it was a shoe horn, or an umbrella, or a magic wand. Then we made lunch and got ready for the competition organised by the Foundation and the Buda Health Centre. Three teams were formed, one group made a poster and two made a short film. While these operations were going on, some of us were already getting to work on the location of the tomato and pepper seedlings. We were given a good number of seedlings as gifts, which we placed in potting soil mixed with compost and thoroughly watered in. We look forward to the harvest.
Thank you for a wonderful and busy day.
Fanni Mira Töröcsik, Szeged 3 Group