One morning in the spirit of career choice
The life of the graduating students of the Kaposvár Group 1 is coming to a turning point. This year they have to decide where to go next, what kind of career to choose and where to enroll. The choice is not easy as there are plenty of options and not everyone knows which profession would be best for them. To make the decision easier, on Saturday morning, October 16, the issue of career choice was explored in the group, we took tests and talked a lot.
“It was interesting the tests we completed, they also asked me about things I still don’t think about. It was helpful to discuss the results together so I learned some interesting things about the others as well. It’s good that we spent an entire morning with tihis issue, I really liked it and I was glad we were together and talked to each other. ”Camacho Maria, Kaposvár Group 1