2018. 05. 14.
Egyéb, Jászberény
Present ractice in the Főnix
On Saturday we waited the present lesson very much that Ildi néni organised for us. After lunch we walked to the Főmix Fészek Műhelyház, where Tóth Lászlóné Terike néni waited for us. First of all we played a game which give us a better self-knowledge. Then it was a relaxation practise where we learnt how we have to relax under some minutes. Terike néni showed us a mediball presentation. It was cool and exciting to see this sport. After that we tried that sport: dance with a rocket whereat there is a ball containing sand. When we tried that we realized it is feasible in a hard way. Thanks for Terike néni for this funny one and half an hour. We hope that this wasn’t the last time when we meet.
Tamasi Tilda and Kaszab Kristóf Jászság 3.