It has finished
The final stop before saying farewell to this year is to take the oral language exams at the Foundation. For most of us, it is routine as we practises it year after year, but some of our fellows take it for the first time at B1 level. We do appreciate this chance and hope to get the most out of it. The best ones who achieve the highest scores in the annual Foundation language competition will have the award to travel to England or to Germany. Hope we will be the one to travel.
Mohács – 16th December – On Saturday we had the final stop at the Foundation’s language exam. All the kids were well prepared. Hence the early hour they were enthusiastic and excited. The kids gave a lovely performance from English and German languages at B1 level. We all were very prould of them. Congratulations!
Pécs-15 th December-Today, all the secondary and university students were tested on their English and german speaking skills. Everyone has done well and we are all proud of the students, as they have given their best. See you in spring.
Kaposvár – 14th Decmeber – We are Yunus Havan from Turkey and Enrico Bettineschi from Italy and we are Compass volunteers. We came this afternoon to Csányi Foundation to help the English teachers in their evaluation exams. For us it was a new and interesting experience to meet with youngsters and try to help them in these stessful situations. We discovered and we liked this Foundation hoping that we will be useful in the future, because the atmosphere here is relaxing and we could feel the happiness of the workers, teachers and youngsters. We want to say thank you to the people of the Foundation, because they welcome us in a really nice way. We enjoyed the afternoon really much! Sziasztok! See you soon!
Nagybajom – 13th December – This year’s B1, B2 and C1 oral examinations of English and German languages took place in our Community House. To our pleasure we received some friendly help from the Compass Organization’s volunteers as they were the part of the examination committee. László Gázsik, 1st Group
It was my pleasure to help with the English and German exams. It was lovely to see the children try their best and see how well they performed. Giving marks was quite difficult, because you need to be judgemental but motivating at the same time. After a couple exams, it became easier, and it was a great experience in a lovely Youth Centre. Daria-Marie Scharnhorst, Germany, From COMPASS
It was a pleasure to help to this amazing Foundation. Even it was not so easy to tell the youngsters the truth when it wasn’t as perfect as it could be, I still believe we were motivational to them to learn and to keep improving there skills so soon they can surprise us even better then now. Timofejevas Adomas Laurynas, Livania from COMPASS
Jászberény – 12th December – It was summer when I had to take the challenge in speaking English in an exam situation. Today, however, we felt great excitement as this was the first time to join the Foundation’s language competition at A2 level. Although I was extremely nervous, the support and kind attention of my examiners encouraged me to concentrate fully on my task. I do hope my mates have had the same experience as I have. I am ready to face the end-of-term exam together with my teachers. I would like to thank Mr András, Kinga, Ms Márti, Mariann and Judit for tutoring and examining us. Székely B. Fruzsna, 2nd Group
Szeged- 11th December – I spent the afternoon today administering C1 English exams at the Csanyi Foundation’s Szeged Community house. Over the course of the afternoon, I met with and tested 10 wonderful students from the Foundation. I was incredibly impressed not by both the students’ English proficiency and their deep knowledge of complex topics that ranged from euthanasia to migration in the European Union. Beyond their evident intellectual capacities, all the students and staff at the Foundation were so welcoming and kind. Although I only interacted with the students in a testing environment, we shared many laughs and had many interesting conversations throughout the afternoon. I hope I’m able to come back and visit again soon.” Adam Garnick, Fulbright scholar
“Today I came to the Csanyi Foundation at 2:30 pm. We spent the afternoon testing the English proficiency of 5-6 groups in B1 and B2 level. I was impressed by the English proficiency of the students and the Foundations programs to help students succeed. Each group showed their interests and personalities. Volunteering to administer these practice tests was a lot of fun and a great experience to connect to Hungarian Youth and local organizations.” Hailey Nicole Powell, Fulbright scholar