Our child is still an adolescent
On the 8th of February Dr. Sablani Yasser a psychiatrist from Kaposvár kicked off his thought provoking conversation using this phrase.
Adolescence is a natural phenomenon, which is to be survived – a biological, emotional and mental change.
Using a presentation of case studies, he pointed out the instances when we have to seek professional help and when we can state that the adolescent’s behavior deviates from the usual and socially accepted standards. The presentation soon became interactive; the parents told the lecturer about their problems and asked him their questions with trust and curiosity. It seems adolescence truly is an inexhaustible topic.
While the parents were talking, their children were attending classes, broadening their knowledge there.
Following the presentation, the teacher-parents’ meeting of groups K1 and K3 took place. The main topic of the meeting of group K1 was higher education. Of course, neither of the groups missed evaluating the first term of the school-year, discussing the range of activities in the following stretch of time, and describing the requirements and tasks.