Aquatic wildlife of Mártély
Our photographer team visited Mártély over again. Our goal was to take photos of the well-known nature trail and its natural habitat.
On our way’s first stop led to the Büdösszék lake which is filled up with temporary water. Unluckily, the things didn’t went as well as we planned it, because we can’t pass thought the reservatum and the birds weren’t active outside of the protected area in this warm weather. We travelled by car to the Csaj lake next to Csanytelek, and we were taking photos of lapwings, dunlins and wagtails from the edge of the road.
Leaving the Csaj-lake behind us we arrived to one of our favourite photographer area in the Nature Reserve region of Mártély by late afternoon. Here we could take photos of the backwater’s diversity wildlife on this pleasant summery day.
Nádudvari Nóra, Group 2 of Szeged