Practicing taking close ups in nature
In October’s Photographer Club were about taking close up photos. On or first class we got known with compact and dSRL cameras and the way they work. After that, we went to Isle of Witches to practice taking these sort of pictures. Having taken our first photos, we went back to the Community House to talk about the technique of composing pictures and about the perfect color and depth settings.
On our second class we visited the Botanic Garden where we could practice the close ups on autumn-colored leaves. The colors were beautiful and we found lots of interesting subjects to our pictures.
I felt very good during these classes because we had a lot of fun, and if we had any questions or problems with anything we immediately got help.
Following these two lessons we got richer with several good photos. I’m really looking forward to the next class.
Pajor-Vincze Anna, Group 2 of Szeged