Would You Be the Director of Our Play?
“On the first weekend of the new year, high school students from Szeged’s Group 3 gathered to dive into theater-making in the spirit of their Greek project, as theater played a significant role in the life and culture of the ancient Greeks. The team based their work on Pál Békés’ children’s novel, A Félőlény (The Fearling). We invited Milán Vajda to direct the play, and he traveled to Szeged for the weekend. Wasting no time, on Friday afternoon, Milán led drama exercises to prepare the group for acting on Saturday. By Saturday morning, everyone had been assigned a role in the play, and rehearsals and script learning began immediately. The work continued intensively throughout the day, interspersed with short and longer breaks.
To conclude the day and the weekend, we were visited by Dániel Fülöp, répétiteur and conductor of the Szeged National Theater. He held a discussion that gave the group insight into the workings of a professional theater and shared valuable advice for the future.”
Izabella Patyi, Szeged Group 3
“‘Would you please be the director of our play?’ That’s how the journey began, one we’re embarking on now with Szeged Group 3. It was an honor and deeply moving to feel the bond that has developed between me and my friends from Szeged during the Arts and Crafts camps and the Guidance Festival. ‘We want to create theater!’ Let’s do it together! We’ve just completed our first weekend workshop, where everyone reflected, analyzed situations, characters, and, most importantly, themselves. Together, we’ve planted the seeds of our shared emotional journey. We hope that with collective care, this seed will grow into a mighty oak, the tree of our beings, our selves, and our companions. Thank you, my dear Friends!”
Milán Vajda, Nagybajom Group 2
“The role I received in The Fearling suits me well; I often see myself in it. On ‘stage,’ I’m opening up more and more, both to others and to myself, truly stepping out of my comfort zone. Among the games, I enjoyed the memory games the most. On Saturday evening, Dániel Erik Fülöp visited us, giving us a glimpse into the working life of a musical theater. I’m looking forward to the next session!”
Szolanzs Nagy, Szeged Group 3
More pictures in the gallery.