Night of science in Pécs

Night of science in Pécs

It is now the 11th time in a row that the last Friday of September is dedicated to Science in Pécs. All three groups took part in exciting programmes.

Pécs 1: Just as last year we took part on the programmes. We visited two venues: First, we tried how loud we could get at a shouting contest. The boys and girls competed. The girls won and they got a certificate too. Then we learned about multidimensional cubes and bubbles. Then we went to the Medical University of Pécs where we learned about CPR and how elderly people feel, and in an interesting simulation we could experience being old. It was weird. We really had an exciting afternoon.

Polgár Petra Pécs 1


Pécs 2: Our first programme together in 2016-2017 was the night of science. We went to the Medical University of Pécs and visited the training centre for young doctors. We learned much about CPR and other lifesaving techniques. We could also try out the difficulties of old age. Deteriorated vision, back pain and heavy limbs. This has deepened our knowledge that we had learned during the summer on the Léghajó project. Thank you.

Pécs 2 group

Pécs 3: This year we took part in the programme of the medical school, learning about different life saving techniques as well as visiting the botanical gardens and greenhouses. We learned many exciting things. Thank you!

Majoros Ivett Pécs 3