Researchers’ Night in Pécs

Researchers’ Night in Pécs

On September 27th, the last Friday of the month, once again marked the Day of Research and Researchers in our city. Groups Pécs 3 and Pécs 1 couldn’t miss this exciting afternoon at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Pécs this year either. Our first experience involved observing lab experiments related to fungi that settle on various foods. By peering into stereomicroscopes, we could see the microbes we live with. The microbes present in the air and on the human body were made visible to those interested. The micromorphological examination of microorganisms was demonstrated using fixed, stained preparations.

In the university atrium, we had the chance to taste unique grape varieties, as table grapes are available year-round here in Hungary. Some varieties travel long distances from harvest to consumer, even coming from places like Brazil, South America, and beyond. Our country is home to a remarkable number of valuable table grape varieties (over 100 globally). During the presentation, we were introduced to and tasted these “unknown” varieties, depending on their ripening time. It was a real explosion of flavors!

We also had the opportunity to participate in various health assessments, and many of us took advantage of this option. The day concluded with a lecture by Dr. Béla Német, retired university associate professor and former teacher of the Department of Computational Physics at PTE TTK, on the topic of our adaptation possibilities to climate change. We gained a wealth of useful information on the subject, which provides much food for thought for future generations to make our world more livable.

We wrapped up a content-filled afternoon, and we are grateful to the Foundation for allowing us to attend this program once again!

Luca Borsy, mentor, Pécs Group 1, and Andrea Bálint-Orsós, mentor, Pécs Group 3

Photos from the event can be viewed in the Gallery.