Online worhsop
This weekend we held the 2nd online creative writing workshop. Quite differently from the last occasion (where we learnt about the prose and novel), we talked about poesy. We try to have a look at as many styles and genres as possible, so the students can try themselves in various fields and choose their favourite. They were super motivated and had thousands of wonderful thoughts and ideas, which we could tame by the end of our classes. We had a rather unique topic during the weekend as well: academic writing. Dorka, our guest lecturer gave an interesting workshop about the world of academic writing (which is, to be honest, a very down-to-earth field compared to our poetry-writing, but is an essential set of skills 😊 ).
She said “I really enjoyed our academic skills workshop and I’ve also learnt a lot as a lecturer, it’s been a valuable experience. I was lucky, as the guys had outstanding motivation and were super active during our session. I’m grateful for the opportunity and I am looking forward to our next time together.” Járay Bianka & Gaál Dorottya