Medieval Adventures – Family Day in Bikal
“Méri, our mentor for the K4 group in Kaposvár, organized a family day to the Bikal Adventure Farm. I don’t want to do advertising, I would like to write about how the Farm of Experience has contributed to making our little community even stronger.
Based on our interest we have already chosen a craft trade well in advance. Children and parents, relatives sometimes have something else entirely. That’s how we created a team. By the end of the day, it turned out to be a good idea, as we were able to discover the answer to the question “What do we have in common?” with our children’s little friends and parents.
As part of our medieval project, the teams have been working together all day or preparing for future tasks, but we’ll report back later.
We traveled through time, for a short day we became medieval ladies, archers, craftsmen. We made a shop: gingerbread, clay pots. We learned to felt. We watched the wood carving master, the skillful even deal with the devil lock. We went to a medieval tailor’s workshop, where the noble knights’ wear and the beautiful clothes of the gentlemen of the time tempted us to become a time traveler in costume.
Then, after a medieval lunch, we roamed the Mesefalu, a witch farm, a house of magicians, a blacksmith’s workshop, and even saw a “real” unicorn … We played, we laughed …. time was flying fast. At the end of the day, everyone was excited about the tournament of noble knights.
It was also time for serious conversations, planning for the future, seeing how much our children had grown over the years.
When I put these fresh experiences on paper, we were on our way home. On the bus, the baby creaking settled down, hearing the quiet of their pleasant tiredness.
And have we found the answer to the question?
What do we have in common? That we are all “csányis” …
Thank you, Méri!” Andrea Nagy, parent